What type of lock does New Way Locksmith recommend and why?
Here at New Way we always give our clients a wide variety of options based on their individual needs. Having said that, we always recommend using a magnetic lock if it can be used. Although the initial costs of installing a magnetic lock versus other devices may be slightly higher we have found that the total cost of ownership over time has been far less.
A magnet lock has no moving parts where as other electric locks such as bolt locks, electrified locksets, and door strikes have moving parts. Since there are no moving parts the magnet locks prove to be far more resistant and durable than the other locks. Specifically in areas where there is a lot of use.
Our most common system consists of a magnet lock, keypad, electric chime, exit button, & remote control for release of your door.
Please keep in mind that your electronic security is only as good as the mechanical security and doors backing it up.